Thursday, November 22, 2007


Today I spend my second Thanksgiving without any family...well mostly. I will be spending it with Mike. :) We are going to Denver to spend the day with our friends Michelle and Ben and a couple friends of theirs. The day is to consist of games, movies, food and more food! Mike and I will be taking his Aunt Nancy's Kahlua yams (super yum!), my Grandma Sprenkle's cranberry salad (yumyum!), cranberry sauce from the back of the cranberries (?), and a Fine Cooking vegetarian dressing (?, great cooking magazine if any one is interested). Everything was prepped ahead of time so this morning we made breakfast burritos and are relaxing. We will do a bit more to the dressing and then go for a chilly walk before heading up to Denver.

I suppose I should write what I am thankful for since it is the day for such things. :) I am eternally thankful for my lovely family and friends! It is because of all of you that I am able to have such grand adventures! Thank you all for your support! I means more than I can say! I hope this finds everyone healthy and happy! Enjoy your day! My love to all!
~~~Suz, Zan, Zanny, Suzanne...

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